Nitten Mahadik-Mindfulness and life coach, experiential learning facilitator, Sales trainer & Personal impact coach
- Riverine Greens, Pashan - Sus Rd, Jai Bhavani Nagar, Pashan, Pune, Maharashtra 411021
- 092067 17717
Ultimately success is measured by performance. Corporate or company success depends largely on the performance of its people. There is no substitute for human performance. The higher the performance of a person, the more they get paid, the better the performance the greater the reward. Coaching is imperative to ensure the success of individuals as well as organizations.
Coaching is designed to instantly bring out the best in people. it sharpens and perfects the already acquired skills of individuals, teams, and organizations by bringing about change that increases choice and establishes a platform that promotes ownership and enforces responsibility.
Coaching also contributes to the fulfillment of a need or encouragement of the progress of an individual for a specific effort or purpose for the achievement of significant strategic projects. Coaching can assist in the growth and development of the professionals and leaders of tomorrow and certainly assists tremendously in enhancing productivity, improves job satisfaction and job longevity.
Emotional well-being, awareness of emotions and the ability to deal with them makes the difference between career stagnation or even failure, success and achievement - it can make or break a career. Emotional balance and positive emotions are directly related to the ability to be productive, resourceful, and effective.
Coaching stimulates individuality- it allows the clients to decide for themselves the best approach in solving their problems, how to interact with their bosses, managers, customers as well as how to work individually or in teams, and ultimately how to proceed in their personal development.
People are paid first for what they do. As they move up the corporate ladder their remuneration becomes linked to responsibility and not what they do. In Business often, the more you do, the less you make. The highest paid people in business are paid for creating and holding the concept of the organization in their mind.
I help people to acknowledge their strength and power of what they can do to achieve their goals, problem-solving and find answers within. How? Through NLP neuro-linguistic program and other creative tools, that helps anyone who wants to heal and change their quality of thinking, therefore, their life on many levels easily and effectively. It's a transformational journey for self-empowerment and confidence.
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